Help first time with ich


New member
I've been reading every article about ich in these forums. I just got a copper banded butterfly from lfs. About 2 days ago. And today I noticed that he was rubbing on rocks and looks irritated. I seen about 3 white spots on him. So here is the problem. I only have the one tank. I cannot afford to get a qt tank at the moment. I have lots of soft coral and a few other fish, sea serpent, and some shrimp. Any one know what I can do to prevent this from becoming a huge problem
i know what you can do to prevent it from ever happening again, but so do you ;)

get a small tank setup for a QT and treat him and every other fish in there with hypo-salinity, if your tank is fish free for 6 weeks or more it should be ich free.
how big is your system. i had a 500 display and got ich whenever i added a new tang, my powder blue would get a few spots but i never treated and the fish just got over it on their own. if you want you can turn your heat up and that will sometimes help get rid of the ich. it will always be in your water unless you do a long QT and take all fish out or start over.
personally i never worried about it. i also didn't loose fish from it.
I know some one that has a 50 fresh set up that is no longer running may be able to barrow but wot I have to have live rock and cycle tank before I can add fish to it?