Help fragging


Hi, I wanted to start getting into fragging zoanthids but cant find a good video showing how to frag off a rock. All I see people do is break the colony rock up. So I was wondering if anyone has a good video of them fragging or a step by step procedure. Please let me know.
Does it have to be on a video?
I'm sure many people here want to write up their own instructions of how they frag their zoas to you.

I don't have a video, but those that I have separated I cut the coenchyme with a razor blade between the polyps then snipped the rock with fragging scissors. Then I glued the polyps to my rock, frag plug, plate, etc. Wear gloves and eye protection.
He should be waring gloves and goggles as an example.
Also, the way he removed the polpys from the plug was wrong.
The zoas could squirt some juice in his mouth/eyes doing that way.
Aways remove the zoas side ways with the flat razor, not a screw driver!


I'm surprised the guy didn't rip it off with his teeth at that point :lol:
Wear goggles unless you want to lose your eyesight!

If you get a frag kit that helps .

Just cut under the polyp base and then pry up . Super glue it to somthing .done.