Help I'd this please


New member
Just got this and forgot the name opps.
And just figured how to attach image on here.

I think it was a cypharsta they told me. By the pics it was blue and the red flowers.

Just wondering how long it takes to turn from brown to blue

Put it in lower/shaded light and it will start to blue up. I keep mine in a little cave, as it creeps out of the shadows it begins to lose color.


Cyphastrea? Meteor shower?
If it is, it needs some help.

Here's mine, and I don't keep it in a cave.

Why do some say low light some say it doesn't matter

Two reasons, the first is they literally don't know any better but are pretending otherwise which is a lot of people on the internet in general. The second is that light intensity is different in everyone's tanks. You can hit a cyphastrea with a lot of blue light, so if you run a bluer spectrum you can keep it higher, but they're really touchy towards yellower light so in a whiter spectrum like in your tank you'd want it to be shaded.

I just moved it to a shadded spot

How long do you think before it starts to get better?

Maybe a couple of weeks and maybe never, it really depends on your lighting and tank parameters. If you run a yellower spectrum overall you're going to have a hard time getting the colors you want out of it.
I'm using a AI nano light.
I have my spectrum
All set to about 50 % during day.
Then at night goes to more blue.
Then moon cycle at night

I have moved it to a shade area
Two reasons, the first is they literally don't know any better but are pretending otherwise which is a lot of people on the internet in general. The second is that light intensity is different in everyone's tanks. You can hit a cyphastrea with a lot of blue light, so if you run a bluer spectrum you can keep it higher, but they're really touchy towards yellower light so in a whiter spectrum like in your tank you'd want it to be shaded.

Maybe a couple of weeks and maybe never, it really depends on your lighting and tank parameters. If you run a yellower spectrum overall you're going to have a hard time getting the colors you want out of it.

I keep a cyphastrea at the top and losses no colour. As with most types of corals as long as you acclimate them slowly to high light they will adapt.