HELP! Is my 220 level enough?!?

It should be ok. The bubbles in the silicone are due to stretching. I had a similar issue on a previous tank and spoke directly with the manufacturer who explained it was completely normal.
I wouldn't worry about that, I also would not listen to the members telling you to put styrofoam under the tank, that is to be done on rimless tanks. As far as the bubbles, they are normal like serpentman said. Tanks with black silicone tend to make this more noticeable, when I set up my 75g I saw them and was a little concerned at first. Now they are completely gone.
i would worry....since the tank has overflows on either end , they must be level or ones gonna get a whole lot more water....if the silicone is "stretching" on the low side thats not good either...keep in mind that tank will be holding back 1800 lbs of water weight
you should be able to shim the base cabinet using a large pry bar w/o having to drain
I just had my 50 gal sump crack across the back. Upon further investigation the base of the stand is warped, the prevoius owner laid down some new board and shim it but it still cracked on me. Mine was about a 1/4" off. I see in your other post that you were doing a freshwater test, Why not just correct it after you drain the fresh back out. Thats alot of weight my friend, and I can tell you what 35 gallons of water will do to your floor.
I appreciate all the info! I was wondering why you advise against the foam James? It seems like it would make sure there is contact on the entire frame of the tank if my boards are 100 percent Also if I shim the stand on that one side, what should I use? The tank is empty now, I couldn't sleep with it full after seeing what I saw last night! :twitch:
I appreciate all the info! I was wondering why you advise against the foam James? It seems like it would make sure there is contact on the entire frame of the tank if my boards are 100 percent Also if I shim the stand on that one side, what should I use? The tank is empty now, I couldn't sleep with it full after seeing what I saw last night! :twitch:

Do not use foam. It is only for rimless tanks. Having the rim on foam will stress in the areas where it is not level.

Besides there are two different things you need to check for level.

1. The Tank itself (front to back left to right)
2. The stand top. when you look at the where the bottom of the tank touches the top of the stand there shouldn't be any gaps. This is what cracks tanks. I would say no gaps larger than 1/16th should be ok. Its important that the 4 corners are flush on the stand top, and that you cant slide cardboard under the corners. This means the tank is resting in the center, and when you put water in it the glass stresses.
first off coming from a carpenters perspective.. thats is not the right level for the job, you should be using a 4' level minimum, anyone else telling you different is and not looking out for your well being imo. I would level the tank balls on. to much unneeded stress u may have the corners racked, twisting the tank. plus unlevel tank will effect overflows.