help me arrange my tunzes in my BB tank because this gunk is killing my SPS


Premium Member

I got a "bad" batch of carbon a few months ago. Actually it could be that too much flow was running through the carbon and causing it to release dust by grinding the pellets against each other. Anyways I now have carbon gunk all over my tank and in my sump. It is hard to get off, it is very sticky. It seems to stick to certain corals but not others... here is a pic of a hydno I just picked up and it is losing tissue like crazy because this crap is sticking to it.


I've got 2x6100s on a 7094, and a tunze wavebox. My return pump is negligible (a few hundred gph). Here is a pic of the setup (notice SPS on the left and right 1/3s and LPS/softies in the middle 1/3):


I siphon out what I can that accumulates in the corners but under caves and stuff I can't get to it. It also seems to stick to the faux sand bed I have. If I take a 6100 and blow it at it it will come up but I can't seem to get it all to go into the overflow since it is heavy and tends to sink back down before being brought down to the filter. ANY advice as to how to position these pumps would be appreciated.

I've kicked it all up and put a filter sock on the drain but since a lot/most of it goes straight back down slowly after being kicked up it doesn't seem to get rid of most of it. It did however give a nutrient spike to the tank and now I've got some patches of cyano... :mad2:
Looks like bubble algae in the first picture. Flow won't make that go away, get some small (small as you can find) emeralds.
I have some emeralds... im talking about the black gunk there. I think the bubble has come up lately since I've been kicking crap up trying to get rid of this stuff. Do you see the black stuff on the bottom of the tank in that first pic? or the stuff stuck to the hydno? that is what I'm talking about. thanks