help me DRILL my tank!!!


In Memoriam
ok so after some reading i thought i would give it a try. I only need 2 holes drilled in 2 55 gallon tanks, and i dont want to pay 50$ a hole from some damn guy who will pron break it anyway...
plus there are only 2 people i found here in Hawaii that will drill tanks and neither has the right size bit (2 5/8)

So i bought a ROTOzip drill (the Rz 5 version) at 5.0 amp power and 30000 RMPs

I also bought the tile drill bit (TC1) which was recommended by
Sean: EbN here on RC.

I do not have putty/plato of any sort here and i dont want to go get some either (20-30min drive away)

so i was planning on running the hose over where i was drilling on low at a constant speed. Would this work?

Also, do I drill straight through the glass first in one hole and then make my way around the circle???

OR do slightly drill around the circle to get an imprint, then drill through?

Thanks everyone
does tempered glass just completely spiderweb across the hole side?? I was told it wasn't tempered, but it sure acted like it when i went to drill :) the tank was only 10$ so im not to worried about it... lol
SOB.. haha i dont have a camera! :) lol Oh wellll...
Right when i broke through the other side it webbed the whole way across !

time to find a pro to do it.. hehe
yeah well, now im not going to anymore.. haha, i found someone to do it for 20$ a hole... lol Maybe one day ill just buy a bunch of glass and practice :) but i used the tank i didn't like and didn't really fit, so no worries here!!
I drilled 2 tanks this month (first time) trick is keep it wet and GO SLOW. Dont apply too much pressure all at once, it's not like wood :) ON average my holes too 2-3 mins each to drill. And stay away from the botto pane...its usually tempered.
i know the bottom is usually tempered but i wouldn't think the sides would be to... lol it completely spiderwebbed all over.. it was rather interesting to watch :)