Help me find this shroom. Please? Desperate!


New member
Years ago I had some unique shrooms, and have now gotten the itch to put a few back in my tank. One in particular stands out, and I haven't seen it on the boards, or in any stores. I have checked all the usual spots, and Ebay.

This was blue bodied with red tentacles and white cottage cheese like stuff on it. Very cool piece.

Not the best picture, but it's the only one I have left of it in my old tank. I'd really appreciate the help if anyone knows where to find it!


i have a similar one, not as cool as yours.

my one is blue base, brown tentacle, green rims, also with the cheese bit

before i thought it was infected by flatworms:lol:
Nice Rhodactis. You should probably checkout Diver's Den on They have a lot of really colorful rhodactis mushrooms and they might have one like that if you keep checking back every now and then.