help on dosing PHYTO and REEF SOLUTION


New member
hey guys, not having too much luck in the discussoin forum so im hoping some local here will be quicker to the draw.

i have a 65g mixed reef with one monti cap (only sps) and as of now all i dose is Bionic a + b, and cyclopeeze every couple days.

Now ive read that a lot of you dose Phyto, so i went to the LFS and bought some DTs Live Phyto.. I also bought some REEF SOLUTION
and would like to know how much and when to dose???

also can i mix this stuff with my cyclopeeze when i add that to the tank?

thanks guys, looking forward to the replies and learning something
I don't know about the reef solutions but DT's phyto I think is like a cap full once or twice a week. They both have instructions on dosing. Start off slow with phyto so you don't get an algae bloom, then up it as needed.
