Help please


New member
I am new to marine fish. Have Yellow Tang that will not eat. He just stays on the LR and picks at it \, oris he eating something off of it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Can you give us more info on the set up.

1. how big is the tank?
2. what kind of filters and do you have a sump/refugium?
3. are there any other tank mates harrasing him?
4. what are the tank parms at?
5. how did you acclimate him?
Here are the stats:
120 gal tank
2 clowns
2 Banggai Cardinals
1 Yellow Tang

None of the other fish are harrassing him or vise versa.
he might just be picking off the rocks . what kind of food are you offering it and how long have you had it ?
do you not own testing kits? but he could just be feeding off the rock work. what else have you tried to feed him.
Is it normal for Tangs to eat from the LR? Oris there something missing from it's diet? We've been trying flakes and Brine Shrimp Plus. Had him for 5 days.
If you must feed brine, feed the spirulina/brine. I'd start your Tang on some Nori, which is sheets of veggies that you can attach to a seaweed clip to put in the tank. Mysis as well is a much better alternative to brine shrimp.