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Background: we just moved. I broke the tank down into a smaller tank ready to go at the new place for an easier transition. Plan on re-setting up the big tank in the new year to fix some of my rookie mistakes. The bulk of the live rock I've got in a covered bin with heated water circulating and had kept at the old place, until I moved it yesterday morning. Since the bin the rock is in was is my water change mixing bin I had to get a new one and opted to go smaller. I only made up 10G of water for the rock transfer. I dumped all the gunky water that was in the bin, moved things, and then added the 10G of new water. This only covered the rocks 2/3 of the way... so I decided to cover the rocks with a towel and have the water pump over the towel so everything could stay at least damp until I could make up more water to top it up.
Well today I went to check on things and opened up the bin- there was foam to the top. Everywhere. Just a bunch of foam. The only thing I can think of is that the washing machine obv didn't get all the soap out last time it was washed and the >36h of water pumping over it had finally given it a good rinse.
What the hell do I do now?? Did I seriously just kill all my live rock... by taking an extra step to keep it alive?!? I'm so so so so mad. It's 1am here and I've gotta stupid busy day tomorrow. Even if I carve out the time to do everything I can first thing, won't it be to late? Is there ANYTHING I can do here??
Well today I went to check on things and opened up the bin- there was foam to the top. Everywhere. Just a bunch of foam. The only thing I can think of is that the washing machine obv didn't get all the soap out last time it was washed and the >36h of water pumping over it had finally given it a good rinse.
What the hell do I do now?? Did I seriously just kill all my live rock... by taking an extra step to keep it alive?!? I'm so so so so mad. It's 1am here and I've gotta stupid busy day tomorrow. Even if I carve out the time to do everything I can first thing, won't it be to late? Is there ANYTHING I can do here??