help sps bleaching from base up


New member
hi, my sps are bleaching from the base up. I already dipped the corals to stop RTN and I'm about to do some water changes and then add in a nitrate sponge. I hope its an water quality issue, since I lost a tang when I was on spring break and came home seeing my monti bleached. Now my acro and pocci are showing the same symptoms.

Any chance it is not a water issue... say a parasite.. red bugs... whatever. Thanks
Around this time of year, most tank are undergoing an increase in average temperature. I would also check magnesium, alkalinity and ca.
What's your phosphate,Calcium, Alk, etc...? My phosphate levels were high at one point and had the same problem. Then again I had the same problem when my Alk was low too. You really need to post your levels if you want anybody to be able to help you.
hey guys thanks for the help. its red bugs. saw em tonight when i manually turned on the lights after it automatically shut off