help trying to decide glass or acrylic sump


New member
Do all you big reef builders do acrylic sumps? i was wondering if a 75 or 90 aga sump would be fine for my 215 gallon acrylic tank. what you all think. can that be done?
i use a 100g beat up acrylic tank for a 180g. it is filled 2/3 with water and has some large pieces of live rock in there for a a bubble trap and for hiding places since i keep non reef safe fish in there.

i also had a 110g acrylic tank as a refugium filled with live rock hooked up to the main system but have now split off as a separate system for a mixed reef.
I have an acrylic sump on my 300 gallon with no problems. I recently used a 29 gallon aquarium for a sump on my 70 gallon. I drilled the side panel and installed a 1 1/2 inch bulkhead for a genX pcx 40 external pump. The pump makes the entire sump vibrat, generating this annoying humming noise. I would imagine a bigger glass tank would have thicked wall which would be able to absorb and dampen the vibration but, IMO, acrylic is much quieter.