help ...upgrade questions.


Hey everyone, Im upgrading my 90 gal. mostly sps to a 220 gal. Can I simply add the necessary amount of water to the 220 and transfer the contents of the 90? I don't really want to add any more rock. I want the system to be very open. 90 gal has been up and running 2yrs. just short of 200lbs of live rock. no sand. I guess what Im trying to really figure out is will the tank cycle because of the additional 120 gallons or so of new water.. thanks...
If it is going from BB to another BB it will be fine, get the water at the same temp in both tanks and make sure ph etc is the same. Put live-stock/live-rock into buckets and mix old/new water in the new tank and bring it up to temp/ph etc. After the water matches (in the new tank) what it was in the old tank then introduce the old rock to the new tank. After that is in the tank take your livestock (which should be in bins/buckets) and drip/heat acclimate them to the new tank as if they are new purchases and you are re-introducing them into a new tank. you can do this by dripping some of the new tank water into the container your live stock is in or float the livestock in bags like when you recieved them new (assuming you float your new additions.

I have seen people switch everything all at one time and theretically there should be no problem but for some reason things have had adverse effects. With re-acclimating I have never had a problem. I am sure others will dissagree and say just switch it all at once.

just my .02c


thanks for the reply. It is going from one bb. I planned on re-acclimating the animals as well. I figured I would prepare the water for at least 48 hours before hand.