HELP, Urchin died behind my rocks...


New member
Other than polluting the tank like a mother. Is there any poisons or anything like that which could come from a dead urchin?

I think I am going to move some of the rock and see if I could get it out.
Like a mother? Huh?

I don't think there are any urchins that release toxins like sea apples, if that's what you're asking.
Oh yea, it was so beautiful and now I see what looks like a pin coushion size black thing. with no needles...Just got him to. Like a week ago.
Sorry to hear about him. :( He may have gotten crushed if the rockwork shifted while he was back there. But I dunno if I would jump to conclusions from how the body looks now, because it could have been post mortem decay. It's like people guessing that their powerhead was too strong because they found X fish stuck to it, dead, or that they have parasitic flatworms because they found them on X dead fish; you can't tell which came first, and it could have just happened after it died.