help w/ bleached mushrooms


New member
my shrooms bleached completly and gained some of their color back after being moved closer to the light. I guess the 65 watts of PC light on their 29g is not good enough. they will soon be moved into a 6 gallon holding tank while I redo the main tank. I have 2 chioces for lighting. 30 watts of NO light or use the 65 watt PC. probly the PC, I would need to get new bulbs just for a month of the tank having inhabitants.
I will also be feeding them once a week w/ thawed brine. does this sound good? which light is better?
What kind of shrooms are they? No one can really help you without that info...

Also, brine have pretty much no nutritional value. I wouldn't recommend feeding them to hardly anything unless you've enriched them somehow. I'd feed frozen mysis instead.
they are green bulsyes. I got them looking great. real healthy, fully expanded, ect... still no- little color. I tryed feeding them frozen brine (just to see what they would do), and they didnt eat it.
they are in a shallow holding tank w/ zoos and shrimp and the PC light while the main tank is redone. their is eggcrate shading them. the main tank will have a 24" t5 setup. its 96 watts, 2 10000K and 2 actinic. I may have the PC light on their as well. the shrimp and zoos are doing well, so water quality should be good. my pep shrimp loses his color when the water is bad (or he is stressed), an his color is fine.