Help with ID


Hi everyone,

I'd like to know what kind of macro or plant is growing on my rocks. Also, is this good or bad? Thanks.




Consider this a bump for someone that knows what they are talking about :) Couple of the guys here are great at id's. I however am not at all. The second picture sort of looks like prolifera to me and the third picture kind of looks like sargasium (sp?). I assume they are the same algae and the two I gave are very different one green and one brown. That shows how good I am at iding :p

Anyway as for the good or bad, I believe most reefkeepers don't want algae in the main tank. If you have lighting enough to keep corals happy you have lighting enough to let algae overtake your corals. Thats probably bad. If on the other hand you love macro's they are both great macros. But I'm a little biased as I have a macro/seahorse tank not a reef tank like most people here.

If its caulerpa prolifera mexican turbos will eat the heck out of it, if its not an id will probably help in finding a way to kill it off.
Thanks hmott,

Whether good or bad, you're right. For my reef, I'd rather not have it in the display. So today I removed what I could by hand. Hopefully this will keep its growth under control and possibly eliminate it from regrowing in the future. I'll see how it goes, thanks!
