Help with Skimmer

Brandon's Reef

New member
I have a 54 corner bow that I just recently turned bare-bottom. As of now I only have a coralife 125 skimmer on there I would love to do a G-3 but Im not sure if it will fit in the sump I have If any body knows of an exellent skimmer that will fit in a 10 gallon sump I would love to hear it. As for bio-load I will only be putting a few small flasher wrasse and thats it.

Thank you in Advanced.
If you've only got a few small wrasses, then that skimmer is fine. THis "Deltec is the only good skimmer" is crap. They run really well, but so do a lot of skimmers. People are just trying to justify spending $500 on a HOB.

Your skimmer is fine.
yea I know it should be and it may be because I have a small bio-load it just isn't impressing me. Everything I've heard about bb they say I must have an excellent skimmer. So I want to get an excellent skimmer for my tank, that's all. Do you know about the Euro reefs?
i have a euro reef and an asm, i suggest an asm. i have a g3 and i fill the cup once a week on my 90
both ER and ASM tend to be large footprint type skimmers. Maybe take a look at Pacific Coast Imports recirculating skimmer for the same price. My LFS just switched over to them about four months ago after using Precision Marine beckett style skimmers. The owner keeps insisting that I need to try one.

Here is a link.

Its basically a deltec knock off and is not nearly as wide as an ER or ASM of equal capacity.
its long but not as wide as the ER or ASM. For a good skimmer you are going to take up some real estate. Might be easier to consider a larger sump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6841158#post6841158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RichConley
THis "Deltec is the only good skimmer" is crap. People are just trying to justify spending $500 on a HOB.
He said the only decent HOB, as in no huge pump hanging in your tank. Don't knock em till you try em. I suggest the Deltec MC500, It's an excellent skimmer that will fit in your sump.
I think your skimmer is fine. My friend has the same skimmer on a FOWLR 135. and it skims very well. Maybe just mess with the adjustment a little. I'm not a BB guy, but hear you run them a little more wet...someone may chime in on that