Help with Velvet Please


New member
The quick facts:

1. We have a nano tank with live rock, sand and chaeto that is specifically for incoming fish quarantine purposes. It exists only to give incoming fish a chance to adjust stress-free for a couple/few months before entering the display and to be monitored for illness.

2. The nano tank is a Red Sea nano tank with the full setup, Hydra lights, skimmer, ATO, powerhead, etc. The only real difference between that tank and the display tank is it's size.

3. I dont have any Acriflavine or Formalin on hand, and it will be at least tomorrow before I can get some. I do have Copper Power, metroplex, triple sulfa and paraguard, but the only helpful thing in all of that may be the copper and triple sulfa antibiotic.

I will put more details soon, but I need two questions answered fairly quickly...

1. Can a spotted hawk fish (this one)and a maroon clown fish be given Copper Power treatment?

2. If I remove the snails and the majority of the live rock and sand and chaeto from the tank to a temp tank, but leave a bit to keep the nano tank cycled where the fish are, can I treat the two fish in this tank with copper?

3. Will there be trace amounts of copper in the nano tank, skimmer, etc forever if I do this? Will activated carbon help clean it out without having to break everything down?

I know the remaining sand and rock will be sacrificed. The only reason I'm considering doing this is because of the ATO, which will be really important since I work a long way from home and won't be able to top the tank off much.

The plan is...

1. Set up 10 gallon tank with heater/HOB filter and move the snails, chaeto, most of the rocks and sand out of the nano

2. Heat RODI and Fresh water dip the hawk and clown fishes while husband adds the copper to the nano tank/tests. Separate heated saltwater will be available to put the fish back into while the nano is tested.

3. Reintroduce the fish to the nano and hope they make it.

I feel like I'm missing a large piece of this puzzle... help?
One other thing...

Does velvet always impact ALL the fish in the tank? So far the clown fish is the only one showing body spots, but they are easy to see on his dark body. Much harder on the hawk.

I presume I should proceed as if the hawk is also infected.

Knowing how the velvet cycle runs and how quickly it reproduces, I can't see how the hawk could remain untouched.

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