Help - Yumas Shriveling and Detaching


New member
My yumas haven't been fully expanding and are slowly shrinking and detaching/dying/disappearing from their rock. This has been an issue the last 1-2 months.
I can think of two possible causes but regardless, I would like to hear any suggestions on how to remedy the situation. My orange yuma colony has withered down to the last 3 yumas and only the mother of my pink/brown colony is left and they aren't looking great. SPS and Zoas/Palys are doing fine in the tank.

Some background:
Most of the yumas I've had for a few years. They have been slowly multiplying over the years, up to beginning of this year, when they became unhappy/sick. They live in a 90g tank with four little fish (clown, chromis, 2 firefish), a pep shrimp, a hermit and tons of snails. I've been trying to target feed a bit more but they let go of any food I place on them when previously, they would eagerly accept anything.

Water parameters have been pretty stable except for alk. My alk was on the low end at 6dKH and over the course of 3 week, I've bumped it up to 8-9dKH. I'm not sure if the yumas started becoming unhappy when I started dosing for alk. I thought I took it slow enough. :(
temp: 80F
sg: 1.026
calc: 475
mg: 1450
alk: 7dKH (dropped back down this passed week - wasn't dosing as much alk)
nitrate: 5ppm

Beginning of January, I purchased a few yumas from two colonies. One group of yumas is doing fine. The other also had its babies shrivel and disappear. I dunno if the one that is fine has introduced some yuma disease that only it is immune to. The yumas are all placed near the bottom throughout the length of the tank.
