

In Memoriam
Dr. Ron,

Im in trouble here. I have a 65 gallon reef tank. I noticed recently that my corals and clams were not looking their best so I did a complete work up. results were as follows.

PH 7.9-8.0
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
CA <300
Alk 12
PO4 - 0
Temp: this has been 82.0 during the hot part of the day and 78.5-79.0 at night.

Lighting is 2-250 watt 10k MH with 2- 55 watt pc
Ecosystem Sump
Mag 9.5 circulation pump
Wavemaster pro
3 MAxi-jet 600 power heads ( 160 GPH capacity)
DSB ( 4 inches)

I changed Two of the power heads today. I discovered that one had ceast to function. I cleaned the impellers and the defunct powerhead still did not work. These are replaced and the power head configuration is as follows.

1- maxijet 600 (160 GPH)
2- maxijet 1200 ( 295 GPH)

Livestock is now several Acropora and pocillopora, Torch Coral, Frogspawn, Montiopra sp., I large T max ( 6 inches) 2 Derasa ( 4 inches) and 4 T Max ( 2 Inches) 1 Purple tang, i ocellaris, I bicolor psuecochromis, And the clean up crew of snails, a cucumber,
hermits, and sand bed fuana.

Could the lack of flow have contributed to the drop in the PH? The Ca is just a HuGe goof on my part. I was not adding enough it seems.

I change the water weeekly - 6 Gallons. The water is R/O and I top off automatically. Any insight is appreciated.

Hi Mike,

I would suggest bringing the Calcium levels up ASAP. Monitor and adjust the alkalinity as necessary during this procedure.

Your system has quite a good animal load, and normal respiration during the night could lower the pH down to about 7.9 to about 8.0. While this a bit low, it is still within the normal range for natural reefs. I wouldn't worry about it much.

Really, I don't think you have too much to worry about. Test the pH just before the lights go out at night. It should be higher.



I have one more question Dr. Ron.

I have had three T. Maxes Succumb in as many weeks. I noticed That the Blue Hermits I have were munching on them. I had decreased the feeding schedule for the three fish that reside to every other day. Will the hermits just eat anything at that point? Should I feed the system daily? Will adding phytoplankton help the clams and corals? Will low CA levels cause the demise of corals and clams? I'm sorry DR. Ron.... Looks like more than one question.

Re: Questions

Re: Questions

Originally posted by neoplasm

Hi Mke,

I Will the hermits just eat anything at that point?

The hermits will eat anything at any point.

Should I feed the system daily?

The clams should be fed as close to continuously as possible, and lots of phytoplankton.

Phytoplankton is of limited use as food for stony corals, but it will go to feed other animals in the system and that helps produce microplankton (bacterial particulate) which goes to feed the corals.

Will low CA levels cause the demise of corals and clams?




You are so helpful!! I am using the DT phytopankton now. I started it yesterday. So it is possible and likely that th combination of decreased nutrient input and decreased CA levels are the culprits here. I will feed the clams daily with the phytoplankton and keep close track of the alk and CA levels. A little side note: I am going to slot my hood with a router to facilitate heat loss through the canopy. Do you thionk this method will decrease the heat transfer from the lights to te water?
