Dr. Ron,
Im in trouble here. I have a 65 gallon reef tank. I noticed recently that my corals and clams were not looking their best so I did a complete work up. results were as follows.
PH 7.9-8.0
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
CA <300
Alk 12
PO4 - 0
Temp: this has been 82.0 during the hot part of the day and 78.5-79.0 at night.
Lighting is 2-250 watt 10k MH with 2- 55 watt pc
Ecosystem Sump
Mag 9.5 circulation pump
Wavemaster pro
3 MAxi-jet 600 power heads ( 160 GPH capacity)
DSB ( 4 inches)
I changed Two of the power heads today. I discovered that one had ceast to function. I cleaned the impellers and the defunct powerhead still did not work. These are replaced and the power head configuration is as follows.
1- maxijet 600 (160 GPH)
2- maxijet 1200 ( 295 GPH)
Livestock is now several Acropora and pocillopora, Torch Coral, Frogspawn, Montiopra sp., I large T max ( 6 inches) 2 Derasa ( 4 inches) and 4 T Max ( 2 Inches) 1 Purple tang, i ocellaris, I bicolor psuecochromis, And the clean up crew of snails, a cucumber,
hermits, and sand bed fuana.
Could the lack of flow have contributed to the drop in the PH? The Ca is just a HuGe goof on my part. I was not adding enough it seems.
I change the water weeekly - 6 Gallons. The water is R/O and I top off automatically. Any insight is appreciated.
Im in trouble here. I have a 65 gallon reef tank. I noticed recently that my corals and clams were not looking their best so I did a complete work up. results were as follows.
PH 7.9-8.0
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
CA <300
Alk 12
PO4 - 0
Temp: this has been 82.0 during the hot part of the day and 78.5-79.0 at night.
Lighting is 2-250 watt 10k MH with 2- 55 watt pc
Ecosystem Sump
Mag 9.5 circulation pump
Wavemaster pro
3 MAxi-jet 600 power heads ( 160 GPH capacity)
DSB ( 4 inches)
I changed Two of the power heads today. I discovered that one had ceast to function. I cleaned the impellers and the defunct powerhead still did not work. These are replaced and the power head configuration is as follows.
1- maxijet 600 (160 GPH)
2- maxijet 1200 ( 295 GPH)
Livestock is now several Acropora and pocillopora, Torch Coral, Frogspawn, Montiopra sp., I large T max ( 6 inches) 2 Derasa ( 4 inches) and 4 T Max ( 2 Inches) 1 Purple tang, i ocellaris, I bicolor psuecochromis, And the clean up crew of snails, a cucumber,
hermits, and sand bed fuana.
Could the lack of flow have contributed to the drop in the PH? The Ca is just a HuGe goof on my part. I was not adding enough it seems.
I change the water weeekly - 6 Gallons. The water is R/O and I top off automatically. Any insight is appreciated.