Here is my big tank so far.


New member
Tank is acrylic 6'x4'x25". Figure it is about 380-400 gallons.

I have had the tank six month but only started working on it a few weeks ago. Eventually there will be a wall put in and whats behind the tank will be the fish room.

The 1.5" pvc is actually a closed loop that will have a sequence 5800?(can't remember exact size but rated at 5600 at 4 ft of head or something like that). Another identical pump will be the return and also used for the skimmer and refugium. I plan on using 3-6000 streams, 2-6100 streams and one 6200 stream. This is subject to change. Also going to put a few pumps under the closed loop to keep detritus suspended.

I am doing this as money permits so it will probably go slow. I do have all the equipment and 90 percent of the livestock.

Here is the tank on the stand. It looks a lot bigger in person.



That is awesome, I love your 1.5" CL rock racks... I can't wait to see your rocks on them...

Looks like your overflows only go down like 1/2 way in each corner is that right ??

I take it you are prob going with a BB or faux SB ??

What did you use for the black creates that are fastened to the CL racks ??
The black stuff is called VersaPad. It is $15 for a 4'x2' sheet. It's main use is at the bottom of dog kennels. It looks and feels like the material used in some types of stock tanks. I used exactly one sheet. I saw someone else in this forum use the same type of stuff. It is more flexible and much thicker than egg crate. Also has bigger openings so snails can keep it clean.

I will have a shallow sand bed in the front of the tank. Under the rack will be bare bottom. I also have a shallow pan in the center of the tank built into the rack for an elevated deep sand bed. It will be about 1'x1' and 3" deep. Basically this is for a jawfish for my daughter. I also think it will look neat to have a sand section eight inches or so off the bottom of the tank. It should be easy to remove and replace every year or so.
I would love to see more pics of your PVC racks, close ups...

Also where did you get the VersaPad from ??
How high from the floor is the tank bottom? How high is your ceiling?

If I follow this correctly...all that PVC is a single closed loop? It must have 100 holes in it! Does this closed loop enter from the back of the tank or the bottom?
I didn't count how many holes I have. I think I have enough, if not I will make more.

Tank from floor 40"
Ceiling is 6'10" about. It is in a basement.
Ceiling to bottom of the tank is 41".
Pump to closed loop is 30"

The closed loop is all connected. It goes into the tank in two spots out the back of the tank under the overlows. I only have one drain.

The versa pad came from Fleet Farm, kinda a farm supply store/if you can't get it here you don't need it store. Around us we call it the mans mall.
This is awesome!!! I think everything you have done is superb! Love that CL/rock support structure. It is genius!
Can't wait to follow this set up. Great tank size too. I'm considering an 8'x4'x2' but may be happy to settle with an 6'x4'x2' if space issues can't be worked out.
Thanks for sharing this.
I have put a lot of thought into the set up. Probably to much.

Here are some close ups of the closed loop.






Looking good!

I just wanted to add this though: Be wary of those bulkheads. They look identicle to the type I have. I just found 2 of mine cracked and leaking after being fine for 6 months. I'd definately recommend ordering 'hayward' bulks and using them instead. Mine are atleast on an overflow so I don't have to drain my whole tank to change them out.
some equipment. Kalk doser,calcium reactor, skimmer.



The guy(Greg and Bob at ReefMania) built the tank and all the equipment above. Did a good job. Skimmer has 4 sedra 9000 recirculating with needlewheels. I only have it set up temporary on the holding system right now. I was using a sedra 5000 to drive the skimmer but reduced it to a sedra 3500 with a needlewheel. Actually got better skimmate with the smaller pump(thicker).
Thought this was a good picture of one of my stream rocks.


And my favorite zoanthids. They are the same ones on the stream rock.