Here's a wierd one-


In Memoriam
Not sure about this one, it is still coloring up but came in to the LFS and thought I would try it out-I split the coral when taking it off it's plug-


And here's another that came in on a tranship, we might need a retracted polyp photo but I thought we could give it a shot-thanks
the first on is Acropora Solitaryensis.

it colored up in my tank. here is a picture of when it started to color up in my tank.

The higher in the tank the bluer it gets. :mixed:

my guess is granulosa but I am not sure of that. The second may be a Tenius. I have a purple and blue tipped that look very similar.
But on a negative note, I see a Red Bug on the first pic
Sorry to give you the bad news
Middle of the second pic , near the top
I think possibly #1 is Loripes, and #2, How about some rectracted polyps. I have a tenuis that looks like it too but more square ends. So if you can, we shall see.
Ok -so far for #1 we have soli,granny and loripes-I have not seen a granny nor loripes look like this coral,anybody have pics we can compare? I'll try to get a retracted polyp pic of the other,in saying that, none of my acros have shown signs of red bugs-all are growing, with color and polyp extension,saying that I did an interceptor treatment just in case-easy fix-not so easy on my shrimps-thank you for the replies-
Well it could have been the tip of a polyp peeking out but it sure did look like a rb. Thats ok though.


