Here's what I'm bringing to the swap.


Moved On
Planing on coming to the frag swap Oct.29
Here's what I plan on bring.
10-Montipora capricornis(orange)
5-M. capricornis (purple-rim)
3-Acropora striata(green w/bluetips)
10-A. prostata(bluetips)
2-A.tortuosa(german blue)
3-A.insignis(turquoise green)
2-Acropora sp. (green bottlebrush)
1-Ricordea yuma (mint green)
1-Ricordea florida (blue w/ purple-rim)
20-Bali Green Sinularia (small)
6-Bali green Sinularia (medium)
6-Palau "ELECTRIC" green Sinularia
* I also have pom-pom's / "ELECTRIC"GSP's/various finger leathers/cabbages if anyones interested. I've never been to this particular swap before should I bring more stuff? or, is this a relativly small swap and am I thinking of bringing too much stuff?
Also what are other mainly bringing to this swap???
Looks good to me. I think there will be interest in what you are bringing. It may also be a good idea to bring some more softies and LPS because not that many people in this area have adequate lighting for acros.
that sounds good phljess, I've got a a ton of mixed softies and some Acan's/zoa's/shrooms and lower light stuff. Also do you guys do fish at this one?? I've got a few I would like to part with
WOW, seeing a list like that makes me want to get back into the hobby. It's great seeing more and more people getting into sps.
I plan on bringing a 12" Engineer Goby & 1-Mating pair Alleni Damsel, they're all in reef enviroment and very friendly to other fishies.