hermit crabs ya or nay


New member
are hermit crabs ok for a tank with zoas?

what about turbo snails or nassarius snail

if this is in a sticky just point me that way. I glanced through them and did not see anything about this
They are all ok as long as you have your zoas secured to your aquascape. Anything loose or recently added has a very high chance of being knocked to the aquarium floor. I personally enjoy all of the cleaners and make it a point to secure my new additions whenever possible.
+1 2 90.. They wont munch but there clumsy as heck knock Znp's over... throw em on a frag rack or yea make sure there in a crevasse of a rock or glued etc...
Depends on the type. As a general rule I've had much better luck with scarlet crabs than blue legs. Blue legs tend to fight each other and snack on snails, where I've had a number of scarlets for literally years. Occasionally you're have a little scuffle between scarlets, but typically both walk away.

Black foot torchus, nerite, nassarius, and cerith are favorites of mine snail wise.
I have kept hermit crabs, turbo snails, and nassarius snail in my tank with zoas for years. I never had any problems. They will knock over your frag plugs so make sure they are secure.
+1 to what everybody above said.

Just avoid at all costs decorator crabs as they will snip your zoos off their plugs and carry them around.

I have had blue legs and scarlet reefs in my tanks for years with no issues with zoos.
The only hermits I will trust in my zoanthid tank is scarlett hermits, and even then I will move the bigger ones over to my larger tank.
thanks everyone

I have one more questions that is kinda off topic but how many nassarius snails would I comfortably be able to put in a 20 gallon tank?

lets just say I found some that are stupid cheap so I plan on stocking up
How big are they? If they are small you can probably get away with a dozen or more, if they are larger you probably want to stay lower (under 10)

We had a 20g with almost 20 of them in there, I know that is not normal but they are great for the sandbed and my wife likes them. The only downside is that if you want frags on the sandbed they can burrow underneath them and know them around when they move.
I think 20 is way too much and most will starve. I had 4 in my 40 breeder which was more than adequate to stir the sand bed. Just vary the clean up crew with a little of everything and you will be covered.
I have all blue legs, there was a dominant one that would eat other hermits and steal their shells occasionally. They all ate snails and didn't even take their shells?!?!?! He also ate 2 of my 5 red people eaters and ate fish alive. (past-tense because i removed him, mwahaha!) I would recommend scarlets and red legs, as my old ones were awesome before they were killed by the blue bandits.
I started with 8 nassarius and now have 5 in a 29G so I would say 4 max if your lightly stocked and feed a little

I would personally try to avoid hermit's imo because they do eat snails and their eggs along with numerous other micro/macro fuana/pods etc
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I had trouble with blue legs years ago. The bastards ate all my snails and never touched algae/detritus because they were full off of expensive snails. :(

I'm going to give it another go, though. This time hopefully I'll only get scarlets.
I have Hawaiian zebras and Hawaiian lefties with no issues. Also the Hawaiian turbo snails.

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