Hey moray keepers - ID


Active member
The fish store that I buy most of my fish, got this in today with some other eels. I don't know the species or common name but the teeth are insane.

Could it be a berndts? Just seeing the head it could be a kidako as well. Kidakos are mis-identified a lot and the pictures floating around the web are terrible. I've seen cheap chain links called kidako.
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Actually. Its probably not a Berndts. The eye doesn't seem gold enough?! And the pattern on the face. Wish you had a full body pic.
Ok, owner just sent me an email confirming it is a berndts. Also included this photo. I know nothing about them, but the teeth are crazy.

I am told a fang tooth and yellow mouth are the other two eels. I've seen a yellow mouth there before. Another cool looking eel. I've never been interested in them before but this toothed one has sparked my interest. Griseum, would one of these do ok in my temperate blind shark and zebra horn pond.
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Super rare eel out of Japan.

When one of the stores I worked at brought one in for a visit by RB . com they had that eel, which is one of maybe 2 in the country and the country's first Skeletor eel which are now a dime a dozen! But the Berndts, wow, what an eel.
From what we were told back then, they are down so deep the only way they can be caught is with hook and line!
PM me what theyre asking for it. Im curious because I want to see if its similar to what it was way back when.

If youre a Moray collector, you might not ever see that eel again. So jump on it.
Berndts and dragon eels are the only hook Mouth" eels I know of.I saw a Berndts eel put the color was redish purple.Amaxing looking eels I'd like one if I ever see any for sale.
Im shocked no one has jumped on it. Probably because its so rare nobody even knows what it is!

Alprazo- Sorry I never answered your post about the temperate build! Coming from Japan, and from the depths Ive been told they come from, I would think it would be the perfect candidate for a temperate tank. You should get a Japanese horn, the Berndt moray and do a Japanese Aggressive Biotope! That's probably one of the most expensive biotopes you could think of doing. Other than maybe some of the Aggressive Northern Australia biotopes with those Eppies we never get to see and the like.
Actually fishbase.org lists that they can be found in the Western Indian Ocean. This would indicate that its probably sub-tropical. It does say however that it is Deep Water, being found only between 30-303 meters (100-1000 feet!!). The cite the minimum reported depth individually, leading one to believe that it may be subject to speculation?

So apparently they are not endemic only in Japan. But there are two separate populations. Western Indian Ocean. And then Western Pacific, from Japan down to New Zealand and east to Hawaii!

The only times ive ever heard of it being collected, were out of Japan. Never from anywhere off Eastern Africa or Maldives.

Who knew?!
The yellow mouth was delivered last night. About 4 inches and as round as a #2 pencil.
Eating shad roe like a champ. Amazing Juvi coloration and yes - a yellow mouth.
Will take pics once out of QT.

The big one in the PIC - the owner of the store decided to keep and take home.