High Alk = Bad


Active member
I don't know if any on you guys experienced this..

But High alk was causing STN for me... Once I dropped it from 11.5 to 8... my corals colored up, and my growth started again..

The paleness that was on some of my corals has now gone away. The colors I have are bright again, and little nubs of corals are growing again,.... The ones that got the alk burn are recovering...

Seriously that was some scary stuff...

A 2 inch frag withered away to an 1/8 inch and now it is growing again...

But what is interesting is that NOT all corals were affected, some had no problems with the high alk at all....

The more sensitive were some tri color acros, and my PM ( died ), but everything has turned around now.

Glad you got it figured out :thumbsup: It sucks watching your prize corals wither away :(

My theory on coral hardiness: The more colorful it is or the more you like it... the least hardy it is :lol2:
Mine stays at around 12 and it doesn't come down very often. I use IO and most have advised me to let it come down on its' own but it never does.

My SPS are showing great color and growth so I guess it's not affecting the corals in a negative way.
The problem took a LONG time to show up. could have been at least 6 mos it was that high, and it only affected select acropora. It started as a paleness and progressed to stn...