Hitchhiker ID Help!


New member
These two came in on a rock I recently purchased. Any ideas as to what type of shroom they are?


That's the healthy looking one. Now, for the not-so-great-looking one.


Is there a chance for this one? Any advice to make it "happier"?

hard to tell, could you shoot some pictures close-up and using flash?

the first one could be a ricordea yuma..
I believe that they are Yumas. A little closer pics might help. As for keeping them healthy, feed them. Keep them in low nitrates. Give them low flow. Don't burn them with lighting, keep them on the bottom like you have them.
I have never fed my mushrooms on purpose - never. the only ones that did not do well were those in the dark or under too much light - some have liked it bright, most like it not so bright

and my flow is rather high