
New member
This Hollywood Stunner chalice started out as a frag 18 months ago. It's now about the size of a dinner plate, attached to all the rock work around it, and most importantly, over shadowing the corals underneath it.

I've decided to try and move it to a more desirable place in the display. This will naturally result in an undetermined amount of frags that I intend on giving away for free. As fast as it grows, it will return in all it's glory in no time. This is just one of things that must be done. I "intend" on getting to this this weekend sometime.

PLMK if anyone's interested. First come, first served based on posts below. I'll let everyone know when I finally do it as well as when the frags have been exhausted.

<a href="http://s39.photobucket.com/user/funkenmiester/media/hollywood%20stunner.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e172/funkenmiester/hollywood%20stunner.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo hollywood stunner.jpg"/></a>
I don't want a frag but wanted to say thanks for not trying to sell 1/2" crumbs for $50. Great way to help other people in the hobby.
I'd love some to add to my tank. Just have a couple of softies in this new tank. Anything for this new system is appreciate. Thanks.