Hornet or Fake Hornet question


New member
Hey guys,

I'm trying to determine the difference between a real hornet and a fake hornet. I've searched on here for "fake hornet" and really didn't come up with a whole lot comparison wise. If anyone could point me in the right direction here I would appreciate it. I'm referencing purple hornet's specifically.

The reason I ask is I just got a frag from the LFS that was labeled purple hornet, but the price was too good to be true. I really don't care if they are or not, I like the frag either way, but would like to know just for my knowledge.


Throw up a picture on here....

If you are lucky they sold you a blue hornet as those look better than the purples IMO :celeb1:
I will hopefully do so this evening if it opens up. I just brought it home over lunch today, it was a unmounted frag, so I ended up fragging it again to get 2 nice frags from it.

That's pretty much the way I play the game. I don't get stuck on names, I buy what I like the looks of. I was just curious if that's what I actually got or not. :thumbsup:

As you can tell from the pic, I forgot about one important feature when looking at them. Oh well, still a cool color that I don't have in the tank.


And while I'm at it, what kind of polyp is this?


Thanks Friday!! I'm really liking the clove polyps, they are growing like crazy and can't wait till I get a good sized colony of them.

they are nice looking dont get to cought up in the name thing.go with what you think looks nice in your tank.