Horrible Nitrates !


New member
In the past I've never really had a nitrate problem, certainly nothing over 20ppm anyway. Its been a while since I tested my water I admit and if figured I should check it since I'm getting algae pretty bad. Lo and behold its off the charts 100ppm+. I'm doing a water change as I type this but am wondering what may have caused such crazy nitrates. I only have 2 small fish atm and tons of live rock and some corals (none of which r too happy i would imagine). I feed my fish fairly conservatively as I only have 2 fish so i dont think thats a big issue. I don't use bio balls. I have the mud/calurpa in my fuge with some more live rock. I also ran a phosphate test which turned up negative. ideas ? please don't flame i know i've been naughty.
Do you run a skimmer? a skimmer does not remove nitrates directly but it removes the stuff that becomes nitrates.Are you sure about your make up water? Tons of LR? 1 lb per gallon minimum. Mabe try another test kit to verify the whole situation.anyway water changes are the way to go at this point lots and lots of them
You could buy a hang on the tank type.Aqua c remora pro comes to mind.They work great. a good skimmer goes a long way at helping with this sort of thing.Poly filters help too.
Oops was looking at the specs for the Red sea one there. I have a 92gallon corner tank. I'll check the pro one out.
I'm using the same type of filtration as you are, and nitrates are always at zero. When you do water changes, do you take a powerhead or a turkey baster and blow off the rock and the substrate?? I do this in conjunction with a filter sock.