How Can I Change Growth Direction of Montipora


New member
Hi everyone,

I have a monti cap that is starting to grow downwards instead of upwards to form that nice rose shape.

Is there a way I can change this growth direction so it keeps growing up and outward?
im my experience.. growth down is due in large part to lighting...The coral is trying to "get away." Raise your lights a bit and I bet it flattens out.. raise them a little more and growth will start up!!! OR simply lower the specimen in your tank..
this guy has been in that location for almost a year and always grew flat or up, now that it's edge is hanging over the edge of a rock, it's starting to grow down. I can't raise the lights.
Can water flow cause it to grow that way, too?
if its on an edge like you said, it will grow down then out then back up again. that way it can reach farther out and receice light on more of its surface area.
I have a green and orange monti cap..

my orange grows up and up and up .. its crazy

my green, which I have put INSIDE the orange, is growing down too...

Before I had the green in the orange, the MAIN colony started growing up , then started to flatten out, and then started growing down.... its really wierd.. same lighting, 2 different colors and two different growth patterns.
obstruct their path with something and it will change the pattern as well....they just wont grow through a rock...not around it they will