How close to wall for big tank?


New member
I'm setting up a big tank in the living room and wondering how close to the wall I should place it. Once it's full, its never moving again....

Flush against the wall:
Pros- my wife likes the look (at least now)
Cons- no cleaning of glass or maintenance possible from the sides

Few inches out:
Pros- I can keep that pane of glass clean
Cons- looks a little out of place at first (at least to the wife)

What do you all who have big tanks do with yours?

Im finishing a 330, its 6" off the wall, but its done as a peninnsula with the overflow on one it looks pretty natural. Im glad I left some room back there for running cords,and if I ever have to look into the overflow for anything my head cansqueeze back there for a glimpse of any problem. The tank height is 36", so looking in from the top down between 4 1.25 pvc pipes wouldnt allow me much visibility. Lastly my sump is actually about 2 feet next to the tank for ease of maintanence, that being said, I need the space for my return and drain lines to exit the stand somewhere. I'd leave it a few inches out, trust me, something will come up and you will be glad you did.
I believe Tony Vargas says to keep it at least 4" off the wall for all the reasons Pete mentioned above... Sweet tank by the way!
i think its mostly about your ability to do maintenance. The most room i could see my self needing was enough to remove the bulkhead and elbow from the back of the tank. For what? i have idea but that was the most room i would ever need.
Thanks, all.

This is a peninsula tank (not being used as such) so the business end isn't against the wall (it's deep in the room).

There's no PH's or other such equipment on the side close to the wall, but I'd like to try to keep it clean.

I think I'll leave it out the 4-6".. thanks.