how do I get rid of maiden's hair?


New member
I was going to do a search on this subject, but I've not been able to access the search function on here all day.

My deal is, I've got what I think is Maiden's Hair macroalgae:

I did an extensive search for pics today and ended up finding it at - apparently they (and others) sell the stuff. You can view another pic at in the inverts section under "plants" question is: "How do I get rid of it?"

I've not found anyone who can answer this: now that I've identified what it is, maybe someone can help.

Maiden's hair is a beautiful plant, but has become a nuissance in my tank - there's just too much of the stuff. If I can control it that would be great (not necessarily get rid of it totally).
that would be nice, but I would have to sell you about half of my LR.

It's surely not coming off the rock. I've been trying for two years to pull the stuff off - all that happens is the stuff starts to spread out and just grows back.
I had a yellow tang and he picked at it a VERY small ammount, but it was not a good part of his diet.

Maybe if I took all the fish out of the tank exept a yellow tang - and starved the yellow tang he would eat it all! <:( I just wish I could get rid of it.
Looks really nice, but I guess to much of anything is bad :)

I would also agree, on taking the rock out and scrubing the section off then a fresh water dip on just that spot should kill the rest.
well, i'm not sure that I can do that. the stuff is so spread out and on so many rocks that it would be tough to give a 'spot' freshwater rinse the way that it's spread out. I've tried scrubbing with a hard bristle toothbrush, but it doesn't tear any of it off - I may have to try something harder (like those plastic brushes used to clean bathrooms and floors, etc.) But, it's so widespread that will be VERY tedious, I guess I'm trying to find the simple way out of something there is no simple way out for.