How do I know my Aiptasia is gone?


New member
One came in on a ball of cheato I ordered, I freshwater dipped the cheato prior to adding it to my empty still establishing tank at the time at first I thought what i saw on the sand bed was some decaying cheato so I left it to aid my cycle meanwhile it was the head of a Aiptasia within a week it latched onto a rock I got it off with tweezers. It's been 3 months and like 16 water changes since I took it out and I haven't seen any more. Is it safe to presume they are dead or do I risk more coming up?
When I started my tank, I had one aiptasia polyp. A second little one started to sprout up, so I wised up and got myself a peppermint shrimp. Luckily, it made quick work of both. The shrimp died like 2 months later, and I have yet to see a single aiptasia come back after 3 years.

I would say just keep an eye out, but if one hasn't popped up in 3 months, I'd say you're in excellent shape.