How Do You Frag Zoas/polyps?

when i frag them i try to get a clean break and see how many i can get in a frag is really easy to do it achisel and a hammer and go to work , by the way where are you located in jersey
got any corals for sale/trade? im interested in sps and zoos.. i have a gonipora i can trade
Might want to take the trading/selling talk to a PM before the mods close it down. Just a suggestion....

As far as fragging zoas, are these on a rock? Or do you have them growing on some other medium? If on a rock, just use a chisel and break between the polyps. I like to get a bowl of tank water to swish the corals around in after I frag them to get the ooze off before I put them back in the tank.

Good luck on the fragging :)