How do you know if you SPSs are doing ok?


New member
I recently (2 weeks ago) added some SPS corals, acroporas to be exact. My water parameters seem to be great, my lighting is fine, all of my livestock/LPS etc., seem to be great, but how do you know if your SPSs are ok. I am a little concerned they are not doing so good. On all of them I can see small polyps extened for the most part, but their skeletal color seems to be a little fadded near the tips of their branches. Is this normal, or is it a sign that some are not healthy. Any thoughts ok assessment of the health of SPSs would be greatly appreciated.
Polyp extension is a good sign that they are doing good.

As for the tips of your acro fading in color, it could possibly be due to inadequate lighting in its previous environment. If this is the case, it should start to color up given the proper conditions in your tank.

Also try feeding your acro
it is normal for a healthy acro to have lighter or differently colored tips, this is where the coral is growing fastest. If the tips are turning white and bleaching then there is something greater amiss...
growht tips as mentioned are normally differently colored that the rest of the coral. the polyps are a good sign. they are probably still aclimating, be patient. what sort of lighting did they come from compared to your lights?


I noticed that my SPS were doing good in the majority of teh tank but some were very limited with polyp extension but when I added some more GPH/FLOW the corals really livened up. HTH