How does an anemone eat?


Premium Member
I fed my BTA a silverside and its still on top of the anemone near but not in it's mouth part. The tenacles are around it holding it in place.
Will it eventually consume it?
I have the pumps off so there is no water movement..
Make sure that the silverside is not to big, otherwise the anenome will not be able to consume it. It may take them several minutes or hours to fully consume food, depending on their size and the size of the food. Also, if the anemone is not hungry it probably won't eat it and will release it shortly. Just keep an eye on it and it should pull it towards it's mouth.

Rock Anemone:D
If it's possible, but you don't want to yank it out. You could probably tear it with your fingers while it still has a hold of it, but if it has a good hold of it don't worry about it, imo.

Rock Anemone:D