How long for growth???

the fewer the polypls the slower the growth... also give them some time to settle in.. i cant give you a time frame until you see more polyps as every system is different.. but id expect to see something in a few weeks if its happy
People can't really answer this question. It varies too much on your lighting, water flow, water quality. In a very good tank, I'd say 2 babies a month?
There isn't a growth matrix for these cnadarins. When they are ready, they will begin to grow in optimal or near optimal conditions. Please start here with this link.

I would first focus on maintaining some stability in your system, check all your parameters, leave them in one place, make sure they receive adequate current and just allow them to grow. When they are ready, they will. No one can give you a definitive answer on this one my friend. Good luck with them.

Mucho Reef
Yeah I agree every tank is different. I started with 4 blue hornets March 1 and now I have 12 heads.
Good light and better flow for the species you've got are the basics.
Water chemistry needs to be stable and around the acceptable rates.
They'll need some time to adjust to the new environment (your tank).
Make sure there are no predators, fungus or bacterial infection...

...and the less you look/touch/move them around, the faster they'll grow with the optimal conditions.

Good luck!
