How long should I wait?


New member

I know I need to buy that clam book, but I haven't gotten a chance yet (oh yeah no money either ;)). I was wondering how long should I wait to get a clam. I've got a 30 gallon long with a 250 watt Iwasaki and two 55 watt actinics PC's. I was planning on a maxima for the sandbed. I heard that maximas don't like the sandbed, but if I put it on the rocks, I won't be able to see it well. Plus, I've seen them on the sandbed before. The tank's been set up since last May, so that's 5 months about. I know it's not ready yet, but I want to ask for future reference. I am going to try and get my corralline growing well before adding any calcium dependent animals to the tank. No CA treactor; I only dose kalk. I will probably switch to some sort of professional reef supplement soon. Any general info. and advice is a appreciated. It would be atleast 4 inches big so that I wouldn't have to feed it. What do you think?
Re: How long should I wait?

GOOD (G)REEF said:
I know I need to buy that clam book, but I haven't gotten a chance yet (oh yeah no money either ;)). money for "that clam book", but money for a clam? :p

It would be atleast 4 inches big so that I wouldn't have to feed it. What do you think?

I think (generally speaking) for the cost of a 4" clam, you could buy the book two or three times. Buy the book! :D Even 4" clams will need to be fed. has a program where you can buy used books at a discount. Daniel Knop's "Giant Clams" normally sells for ~$35 but here you can get it for ~$28 in "like new" condition.
Lol I see I am not going to get a straight answer here.:rolleyes: I don't have enough money for a clam either so there :p I will get the book. Happy now? Heh.