How long to regain color.


New member
I recently purchased a blue tip acropora and placed it toward the top of my LR and had it under dual 175 watt MH's. It started to brown out on me, so I purchased a dual 400 watt setup. How long will it take for the color to start coming back, or will it? I have been adjusting the photoperiod for the last week or so by gradually increasing the time so as to acclimate everything to the new light. I was just wondering if it will come back at all as this is my first real try at SPS.
Brown acropora doesnt always mean its a lighting issue. Probably nobody has answered you yet because you didnt give any info on your tank... whats the alkalinity, phosphate, nitrate, pH, temperature, salinity, etc... ?
The reason for brown is most commonly blamed on high nitrates, or it's color is just brown. Also, I hope that you have moved the coral down in addition to the photoperiod adjustment when you added those 400s or it will soon be white.
So I just got finished doing some tests and this is what I found. All tests done with Salifert test kits.

Temp: 78-80
SG: 1.024
PH: 8.2
Calcium: 425
Alk: 2.51 (Dosed to get it up to 2.95)
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
Amm: 0

I do 10% (10gal.) WC's once a week and I keep up with the upkeep of the tank. Using Tropic Marin salt. Water is crystal clear and the tank looks great. Two clams on the sandbed that are thriving.

I have been gradually increasing the photoperiod of the lights to help the corals get used to the higher wattage.

The coral I am having the most issue with browning is a white with blue tip acropora. It's completely brown right now except for being blue/purple at the tips.
I am using Randy's two-part recipe for the calc and alk. These frags came from Liveaquaria and I thought they were under 400 watt halides. They were under 175's for about two weeks. That is why I am thinking it is a lighting issue.
It's getting acclimated to your tank. Sometimes they do brown out. It will take it a few weeks to color back up for you. Is this a wild piece or a cultured piece?
Aquacultured. That was my other question that I wanted to ask is how long it would take to color back up. Thanks.
If it's a bali cultured piece, it usually takes a few weeks to color back up. I would be sure it gets good flow and Keep your alk 8-9 at NSW levels. And put it in one place and don't move it.

I have seen wild acros take months, yours should color up in at least a month give or take. I have alot of the cultured pieces and it didn't take them long to color back up. Just keep all levels steady.
Alk is waaaay low if you're using a salifer test kit.. they read in dkH. I'd do a few large WC's to get this back to at least 7dkH.
I'm having a blonde moment. Sorry about that. Tested at 2.51 meq / 7.0dKH. I dosed with Randy's two part to get it back to 2.95 meq / 8.3dKH.