How many lbs of LR for 12gal?

Yeah, definitely depends on the rock. I got 15 lbs. of nano rock from Premium Aq. and it was wayyyy to much for my 12 DX. I've got at least 5 lbs. set aside for the next tank.

Remember, some of the corals you want to buy may be on rocks, too, so be sure to leave some space.

i say about 8-11 at first, just so you wont over order. If you want to add more, say a 3-5 lbs it is easily attained from a LFS without too much hurt on the $
here's what i would do...

i'd get 10lbs of base rock (reefer rocks would be my choice.), then get ~5 lbs of good quality live rock (premium aquatics has good quality stuff, and great customer they'll let you order as small of an amount as you want.). then you can pick through your base rock to get some good aquascaping, add the 5lbs of live rock which will seed your base rock...and you'll save a little money.

HTH :thumbsup:

I've also read for the base to just use standard base rock... for a 12-gal. tank, however, there isn't much of a footprint, anyway... so to speak... I suppose more importantly, regardless of weight... it also depends highly on the size of the pieces and the look you are going for. For an initial order as mentioned previously, I'd say you'd wanna be somewhere between 8lbs - 12lbs.
I'd do ten lbs of liverock depending on how porous the rocks are. I prefer large rocks with many holes and less weight.