How many pieces can you cut a shroom into?


New member
Was wondering what is the most pieces you have cut a mushroom coral into when you are propogating it?.... and had it survive
The most I have cut a Discosoma was 4 pieces and they survived, it was a purple one. I've cut ricordea's (floridia and yuma) in half and had them survive.
It also depends on how well established the mushrooms are and how big/healthy they are to determine your success. And it's kinda harder to keep track of like 8 pieces when you cut it anyways.
i cut a bunch into 4 peices and had like 30 all laying in the sand with low flow so they would attach to sand and then i glue the sand their attached to onto a rock.well they got infected and started to melt.i spread them out and gave them a bit more flow and they recovered.what i learned is not to cut too many at a time.
It was probably the glue burning their flesh in some areas where they wheren't attached to the sand. That's why I always use cc or lr rubble to attach them to.
no they were'nt glued yet.they were laid in the sand waiting to attach.i blame it on too many cut up and laying all together in such a low flow area.all living things can get infections including shrooms.i'm talking 30 or so peices in a 6 inch square area al cut up with no flow.
Yea I get what your saying now. Whenever you cut mushrooms you want to swish them around a bit in a bucket with some tank water so you can get all of the brown slime they secrete off. If you don't and then put them in an area with little to no water flow you'll get a bacterial infection, exactly what happened to you ziggy.
It's better to take them out, and put them in a bucket of tank water then frag them, just like fragging any other coral. This is just to prevent any possible contamination in the main tank, but you can cut mushrooms in the main tank.
then cut it off then remove from tank and cut into 4 peaces,rinse then put back in.if your only doing a few your ok but i had cut up 9 shrooms into 4 peaces each.
When you cut a ricordea into 1/2, do you cut it right in half through the mouth?

Sorry, never done this before, but would like to try.

How long does it take to heal so you get two rics?

you have to have at least a little of the mouth or stem for it to regenerate.i cut right through the middle of the mouth.
Doesn't matter, making sure that the water stays in check and the cut side is exposed directly to good water flow to keep bacteria in check.