How many pumps are needed?


New member
For a 280 gallon tank
Im guessing there will be 2 overflows

How many pumps would you recommend for the returns?
Is there one return two or is that an option?

My thinking is along the lines of Sequence pumps but type and power I am still unsure of?

Thanks for any help!
If there are two overflows than there will more than likely be two returns. It is entirely up to you and your desired flow rate through your sump if you use one pump or two (not to mention power consumption).

The ,main pro I can see to running two (which by the way...I am right now) is if one pump fails you still have flow. I must admit though, that after three years this has not happened yet.
I would go with two if you are going to be away from the tank for long periods of time. Otherwise, go with one. It's much easier.
If you're gravity feeding your skimmer is it maybe best to go with 2 return pumps? If one failed and you only had one wouldn't your skimmer run dry until you got home?
Like stated before, I would use two. One would be the main return and the second, a much smaller one, would be back-up if the main ever failed. I am going to use a quiet1 3000 hooked to a UPS. This way if there is a power failure there will at least be some flow in the tank. Just try to calculate wat flow you want thru the sump and find the pumps you want to use to meet that number. I am going the main return external and the quiet one internal.

just my .02