how often do you feed your tank?


Well-known member
How often do you guys feed your corals?

When I first got back into keeping corals, I think I added food occasionally seeing it as supplemental. It became weekly, then twice a week.
My coral collection is pretty good and growing for a 40g tank so I doubled my dose on those 2 to 3 feedings per week and noticed everything seemed to respond really well to that. I went from cleaning the tank once a week, to twice a week, to now almost daily to stay on top of it.

There is a part of me that wants to toy with daily feedings and more frequent partial water changes.

My fish normally get pellets, but I have also taken to giving them frozen mysis cubes thawed out in selco, then mixed with my reef food du jour (benepets until yesterday, now reef roids).

That's my main tank, which seems to constantly do better as I increase feedings and increase my need to clean.

My office tank rarely needs cleaned. does not get fed as often. I only have 3 frags in there until I feel like I figured out my issues. My only fish is an orchid dottyback who does great. one zoa frag is starting to look good. my gsp is fine. another frag is looking hungry so I'm increasing the feeding frequency there but I only give it seachem zooplankton and it doesn't seem to be enough. (that's what I used when I just had my 10g nano and never had issues).
I don't target feed my corals. But, I'm sure they get plenty of food since they're growing and thriving. I feed my fish daily and alternate frozen foods by San Francisco Bay Brand. One day they get one cube each of Brine and Reef Plankton (Calanus finmarchicus) the next day they get one cube each of Mysis and Plankton (Euphausia pacifica). Start that cycle over on day 3.
One day they get one cube each of Brine and Reef Plankton (Calanus finmarchicus) the next day they get one cube each of Mysis and Plankton (Euphausia pacifica). Start that cycle over on day 3.

that makes sense to me. I don't do the cube of mysis every day, I have cubed brine but have feed it sparingly.
do you ever add selco or any other nutrient like that to the feed?
that makes sense to me. I don't do the cube of mysis every day, I have cubed brine but have feed it sparingly.
do you ever add selco or any other nutrient like that to the feed?
I do not add anything to the food. I know I should but, I haven't done so in over 40 years of reef keeping.
I don't think the extra stuff I have done lately is necessary. I've just seen some fun results in growth and my impatience is trying to force a steroid approach on the corals lol