How to add a second AI Prime to your network...


New member
So, just as the title says, this thread will describe how to add a second (or more) AI Prime to your existing system. The only reason I'm doing this, is because the instructions in the package, plus all the info I could find on their website, will lead you down the wrong path and don't really cover this instance at all.

If you bought more than one right off the bat, and plugged them all in at once, it might actually be intuitive. However, if, like me, you started with one then wish to add another at a later time, it won't be so obvious.

First of all, the directions basically tell you to plug in your light, then search for it as a wifi host using your preferred device. You connect to it via it's own wifi port, then use the software (app or web interface) to tell the light your local wifi network login info. Then, you log back on to your own wifi network and so does the light (all on it's own) and now you can control the light using your preferred portal, be it the web interface from your home computer or your smart phone.

The instructions don't mention a different procedure for adding an additional light later on, so you, like me, may be tempted to try the same procedure. That's where you would be wrong.

If you follow those steps and tell the light how to get on your home wifi, then it will do so. At the same time, however, it will shut down it's own wifi portal, so you will not be able to search for it, if you understand what I'm trying to say. Well, you can search for it all you want, but unless you're a lot smarter than me, you won't be able to see it!

SO, the proper procedure is actually quite easy, and maybe most people would have figured this out way quicker than me, but hey, what can I say?

All you need to do is:

1. Plug in the light to the DC converter, and plug that into your outlet.

2. Wait about a minute, then open your preferred control method for your original light, select the tank you are adding a light to (if you have multiple tanks on the network), and tell it to search for additional lights. It should now find the new light via wifi, and ask you if you want to add the new light as a child. Select 'Yes', and you're off to the races! After a minute or two, your new light should wake up, do some funny stuff, then fall in to step with the other lights already on that system. Now you're done, that in unless your new light feels like it's time for a firmware update, but that's easy, right?

Ok, now, what if you (like me) already tried to hook up the light, using the provided instructions? Turns out, that's easy too. Feel around on the light housing itself. You'll fine a button. Hold it for a full three seconds (really, until the AI light starts blinking green) and the light will reset to ground zero, just like it was when you opened the box. Now, open your app and follow step two above. Viola!

Wow, that got long, now didn't it! (lol) Ok, my apologies. I guess that's what happens when my wife leaves me at home all alone on a Friday night!:beer:

Oh, and by the way, that pic above was taken with the Royal Blue and Cool Blue channels at 1%, and all other channels at 0. All the other lights in the room are off.
Thank you so very much for posting this! You just spared my neighborhood from being subjected to a torrent of foul language. Now I know how my mother must have felt when her VCR was persistently blinking 12:00 for about a decade. lol