How to attach ric's to rocks


New member
I ordered some ricordea florida that will be arriving in a few days. They are unmounted and I know the perfect place for them in my tank. What's the best way to attach a ric to a rock without taking the rock out of the water?
Get a tupperware container, add rock rubble to it.
Put the rics on top of the rubble and place the container in a spot in your tank with low flow.
So the rics can attach without being blown out.
The attach the rubble to that the ric has attached to, to the rock with superglue/epoxy.
I have a tank I designed just for this. It is a standard 10 gallon with a hob filter and loads of rubble. I also use a small powerhead for good flow.

After I cut the shroom/yuma/ric I drop them in the tank watch them swirl for just a minute and then they land on a rock and after about 3-5 days they are stuck and healing/healed.

I bought a fantastic looking yuma (green with a peach mouth)for my 55 gal. but with the heavy flow in there it unattached and went behind the rocks, so with my trusty baster I pulled it out decided I wanted more of this yuma and cut it into two parts and put them into the 10 gallon. After 2 weeks not only were both pieces attached to rubble I had a third as well.

I have done this with some of my blue shrooms as well and have had great luck so far with my propogating of the coralamorphians.

So all in all 10 dollars at wallyworld for a tank, and an extra powerhead I had laying around as well as an extra hob filter. I have now made money on my purchase of a beautiful $30 yuma. Not really, I have just moved them back into my main display, but I didn't have to spend the $30 again to have more of these.
I have all the stuff already to set up a 10 gallon. I bought it all to use as a quarantine tank. I don't have any rock rubble though. So theres no way to super glue or aquamend a ric right to a rock in the tank underwater?
I put them in a small tupperware with empty snail shells. They didnt attach after two days so I got impatient and put a dab of aquamend and superglue on the little bit of sand they were attached to and stuck them to the rock. They slimed up for a while but are fully open and fine now.

Heres a pic:
glad to see you got them to stick...ive never had success with glue and shrooms, and ive always used the tupperware container with rubble method
Rubber bands can work but you have to be careful their not to tight or you'll kill the ric. Fishing line can also be used the same way. I prefer placing the ric on a small piece of reef rubble and wrapping it loosely with a piece of bridal vale cloth holding it to the rock so the ric can attach itself.
I had one I discovered growing laying on the sand behind my rocks. It had attached itself to a layer of sand, so i put some superglue on the sand and stuck it in place. It is growing like a weed now.
too much super glue to over come the sliminess can and will hurt the ric causing it to bleach out, recede, and die.

It happened to 5 of the six I ordered. The lone survivor bleached and shrunk but after six weeks is now colored and growing.

Learning from my mistakes, PAINFULLY!!
I don't have a ric, but a stripped mushroom, that refuses to attach itself to anything.

It is inside a container (inside my display tank) with rubble in the bottom. After waiting for almost 3 weeks for it to attach, I decided to pick it up and inspect its "foot" to find out that it had been superglued before, and that layer of superglue could be preventing it to reattach.

I cut off the superglue part, but now it has been another 2 weeks and the thing is still not attached to anything.

It opens fine, looks good and all, but it's just not attaching...

Have anyone had this problem before?
How tying it down would encourage it to attach, since it is not floating around?

PS: The superglue idea, although not recommended, is quite temptatious right now. :)
I don't have a ric, but a stripped mushroom, that refuses to attach itself to anything.

Have you tried fishing line or unflavored dental floss yet? I often sanitize a needle and thread it through the foot and then tie the ric or mush to a rock in a very low flow area and NOT TOO TIGHT! Then in a few days or a couple weeks when it attaches I simple clip the floss line and pull it gently out like removing stitches. Works well on the big hardy stuff. Not so well or just tends to destroy tiny little ones.