How to get mushrooms to spread like wild fire?


New member
I have a small I mean really small Green Fluorescent Mushroom, that I got from a reefer. I'm using 2x36 t5 lights and I plan to put it in the middle. Tanks about 20 inches tall. any tips on making this spread like wild fire? I also have some red regualr shrooms that I would like to spread too.
Mushrooms in general are pretty fast growers. Many people I know (myself included) don't do much in the way of anything special for the mushrooms. Are your T-5 lights high output, or normal output? If they are normal output, you will obviouvsly get slower growth. Bear in mind also that some mushrooms do better and proliferate more quickly in slightly shaded regions of the tank. Beyond that, just put 'em in and kick back with a beer.
If you don't want to wait and want to get your hands wet, then I suppose you can try fragging the polyps and try propogating them this way (experiment on one polyp first). All you need to do is cut a wedge of the mushroom off, only the wedge you slice off must go through the mouth of the polyp.
Im kind of lost what your trying to say, are you telling me to cut alittle of my mushroom and stick it into a zoa/polyp? and how does that help them grow?
All you have to do is take a razor blade and cut the top of the mushroom off of it's base and then cut it in half down the center, making sure to keep part of the mouth and placing them in a low flow area so they don't get blown away. They should develop into three new mushrooms (were you use to have one)- the base will regrow and the two halves will heal and form two new mushrooms

There are several variations to this, some people have their own method once they get comfortable with fragging them. I've ripped a ricordea yuma polyp off a rock placed it on another rock and it attached there, then the fragments of the foot left over from me ripping it off developed into 3 small yumas. It's very easy.

I would let the ones you have get a little size to them then attempt the fragging.

my post isn't posting all the text....I've had to edit like 6 times.
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I like to cut the mushroom off at the base, leaving part attached to the rock. That will eventually form a new mushroom.

I then take the main piece and cut it into 4 sections using a sharp razor blade. I normally keep a tubberware dish full of crushed coral or rubble rock in my tank just for this purpose. Place the new pieces in the tub and let them attack to the coral/rock. Then you can just take the pieces and glue them to the original rock. Great way to build a rock full of mushrooms in a short amount of time.

And I've done this under 9w of lighting too. Still works great. :rollface:
I saw a video one time of someone putting one in the blender. I'm not sure what happened, but it was interesting to see.
What do shrooms need to grow really really big? I have some red and purple discos ,I have 2x36 t5s on a 18inch tall tank. What other things do I need to dose in order for them to grow big?
I have puple and red mushrooms.They reproduce great.I just left them alone and they do fine.If they don't like the light they will move.I had one mushroom move to the underside of my rock,as it moved it left some of it behind which grew into a new mushroom.
Before you try any of these methods I'd let yours get a bit bigger first :) Mine eat formula 1 pellets (once they're big enough to get their mouth around them).