how to get polyp extension during day?

jeremy K

New member
My SPS colonies and frags seem healthy, and are growing well. However, there is basically no polyp extension during the day. During the night, if the lights are completely off, there is terrific polyp extension. But with even the most minimal light (like very dim moonlights) the polyps recede immediately.

I have tried feeding during the day (reef roids, cyclopeeze), tried feeding right before lights go on and then turning them on. But the polyps shrink very quickly.

Does anyone here have any advice on how to get good daylight polyp extension?
If I was to guess i would say your flame angel is nipping. Hence nighttime but no daytime PE.
+1 on the nipping.

Maybe try feeding your Flame Angel more (in quanity and variety) to see if this helps.
this is what I check everytime I See PE gone during the day

fish or crabs on coral or nipping it.

coral being moved (some of my frags are not glued so when they move or drop they loose PE.

if none of those I check the skimmer, for some reason when my skimmer gets clogged I loose PE specially on stylopora

and lastly Amino acids, if all if fine, then I assume the coral is starving or .. so I drop amino acids and boom the PE is back.

Im sure all other types of shock (KH shock, PH shock, temp shock) would have the same effect on PE.
+1 on the nipping.

The fish sleeps at night so the polyps extend. It may not be a real problem, I have heard that coral in the wild does the same thing, retracting polyps during the day to avoid active fish nipping.
The routine changes in available food during a 24 period as seen in the wild predicts or influences PE more IMO. I believe that there is a greater abundance of food for corals and filter feeders at night. Flow, lightng and available oxygen also play a greater role in PE rather than behaviors of fish.
The routine changes in available food during a 24 period as seen in the wild predicts or influences PE more IMO. I believe that there is a greater abundance of food for corals and filter feeders at night. Flow, lightng and available oxygen also play a greater role in PE rather than behaviors of fish.

yea the only document I could ever find regarding PE was that when its open fully, it increases the surface area at which the coral can "breathe" gas-exchange, so at nights when PH is lower, the polyps open more to be able to regulate their gasses.

I used to get no PE during the day, now I have good PE during hte day and excellent at night ... no Idea why (the water is better now)
I agree with nipping, before I added my angels I used to have great extension day and night. No matter how well fed they still nip.
Im glad someone posted this because i had the same question and after all the posts on angels i got thinking that i had PE problems 4 days after i introduced a hawaii flame angel, but i've also been fighting with KH so who knows.
We had the same thing happening and had a flame angel. I watched the tank very close and never saw the fish nip. We ended up having to tear down the tank and treat our fish for ich and we gave the flame away and our PE is excellent now. The fish can be very sneaky when they are nipping.
i have the same problem no PE during the day but great PE at night. i have no angels just a trio of bartletts anthias, hippo tang and starry blenny. so i'd like to know what it is if it's not the angel.
My SPS do the exact same thing along with some of my LPS. I've just lived with it. If you find a cure, then let us all know.
+1 on the nipping.

The fish sleeps at night so the polyps extend. It may not be a real problem, I have heard that coral in the wild does the same thing, retracting polyps during the day to avoid active fish nipping.

While diving in Fiji the PE was very poor on almost all SPS