How to get Rics to grow


Premium Member
What foods, supplements, or husbandry techniques encourage the best growth from florida ricordea?
Just add water. They're pretty easy to keep, as long as your tank is stable and fed semi-regularly. They seem to like low flow, lower light areas.
I have mine at the bottom of my 120 under 250 MH, with decent flow. I feed the tank phyto once a week, and frozen cyclopeeze once a week, and feed the fish once a day on the other days. They seem to be pretty happy, and after a few months am starting to see a few reproduce naturally.
I target feed mine with mysis shrimp and cyclopeeze to boost their growth. The rics I feed grow noticeably faster than those I don't. I feed 1 small mysis (or pieces of larger ones) to each polyp 4 days a week.