How to keep the sand clean


New member
To all the large tank keepers,

Do you have to vacuum (siphon) the tank's bottom to keep your "sea floor" clean? And how frequent?
If not, how could you keep your sand clean?

I have a SSB that I have vacuumed a couple times in the last year. I also have several large conch and nassarius snails to help keep it turned over.
+1 to the nassarius snail. In my 90, I have a sand sifting starfish, a Dragon Goby, and snails to keep the sand bed clean. That added with good flow and you shouldn't need to suck to much up. I don't like disturbing my sand bed to much. You'd be surprised how well a sand sifting goby will do to clean the sand bed. Just my humble opinion, i hope this helps.
Honkin' Conchs?

Honkin' Conchs?

Where do you all find large Fighting Conchs? All I can seem to find are the tiny ones...
